Thursday, April 8, 2010

Value of a Facebook "Friend"

This weeks articles were all about social networking websites and how they have recently affected and changed the way we look at one as a friend. They discuss the way we view friendship today and how it has changed overtime. The Ellison article takes the standpoint that having facebook is a great accessory and can strongly add to the value of friendship. Some of the bonuses that Ellison believes come from having a facebook are increased self-esteem, increased social capital, increased involvement in capital affairs. The aspect that I saw that can add the most value to a friendship is the opportunity facebook gives its users to reconnect and stay in touch with friends who have moved away. The Deresiewicz article also relates to how facebook is affecting friendships, yet it comes from a much different perspective. Deresiewicz believes that facebook is becoming such a factor in today's society that it is actually affecting the way people can communicate in face to face situations. He believes that all though it appears facebook is bringing people together yet in reality it is only making people have larger groups of friends without the same bond that would be built between one another without facebook.

I found both of these articles to be very interesting, however I felt they are both complete over analization's of Facebook. To me facebook is just something I can use to look at pictures I personally do not believe that being a friend on facebook makes me and a person any better or worse of friends. I can see the standpoints where both authors are coming from however I feel they are taking the idea of facebook a few steps to far.

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