Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Slater "Illegal Art"

This article by Slater is all about copyright, and copyright infringement. I found it funny how the title illegal art is actually referring to nothing more than funny pictures involving famous cartoon characters and other popular objects. The article discusses how originally copyrights lasted 14 years untill being reviewed for another 14 year extension. This rule has greatly changed and now a days once you get your copyright, you own that for way beyond your time on earth. The rule today is for individual artists they own a copyright for their life plus 70 years, and for large corporations they only have the rights for a measly 95 years. The article continues throughout discussing different copyright situations amongst celebrities and their "Ideas."

I personally find all the hooplah that sorrounds copyrights to be incredibly overdone and even find it selfish of those who seek to sue in order to protect their work. To me music and art are simply meant to be shared with other people. If it wasn't for the people who are "stealing" from this artists, their work would mean nothing as their would be nobody to appreciate it. To me artists are nothing without fans and to go out of their way to sue those who appreciate their work is completely rediculous. I personally believe that copyrights should last simply 3-5 years so that the creator has enough time to share what they've done make some money, and have everyone understand that it was them who created the work. In my mind the hole deal with copyright is completely insane.

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