Monday, March 1, 2010

Why Thomas Jefferson would love Napster

This article written by Siva Vaidhyanathan is about the original meaning of the term copyright and how it has changed since than. Some 200 years ago the idea of a copyright was created by our founding fathers as a way to create a balance between authors, publishers, and readers. The founding fathers saw copyright as a way to protect an idea that would benefit everyone from the creator to the user. In recent decades this idea has changed a lot and has made an idea somewhat of a property in a sense. This change began in 1998 with the Digital Millennium Copyright act enforced by Bill Clinton and the democratic party.

I found this article to be very interesting as I have always believed and participated in downloading music. I feel it is simply an idea and that it should be free for everyone to access however they can reach it. For musicians to be so greedy and fight for it to become illegal is wrong in my eyes. When asked Why Thomas Jefferson would enjoy Napster I believe he definitely would as it is basically the clear definition of what he originally intended a copyright to be used as.

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